Blendfeel ZERO Booster PG for 20 + 40 - 10 mL e-cigarette

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ZERO Booster for 20+40 - 10 mL PG

VAT included

Product for integration in the ratio of 1 bottle for 20 + 40 compartments

Forza: 1

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This product contains PG and the typical excipients of the ZERO formulation, it is used as an additive in the preparation of 20 + 40 decomposed substances. The Force value indicated on the label is the one that is reached following a mixing for a total of 60 mL.


Data sheet

Bottle material
Transparent PET, dispenser, white/transparent cap Child Proof
Bottle content mL
Bottle capacity in mL
Recommended hardware
Head atomizers, regenerable atomizers, clearomizers and cartomizers, pods, drippers
Subject to Italian consumption tax
Product type
Nicotine-free booster

Specific References

    ¿Como elegir la fuerza del sistema 100? Quiero quitarme de fumar y fumaba en torno a 7 cigarros al dia

    Puede consultar la página cómo marcar líquidos para cigarrillo electrónico (haga clic aquí)