If you receive an e-mail asking you to provide us with your credit card details or similar information, please know that it does not come from Flavors4you srl.  Flavors4you srl asks for your account data only in response to your requests sent by e-mail or telephone or in case of doubts about an order you have placed. In any case, we never ask for bank details by e-mail. Do not respond to such requests. If you are asked for personal data by e-mail, please contact us at our customer service. We never ask you to reply to us through a link.

If you receive an e-mail asking you to provide specific personal data via a link, do not reply or click on the link, but immediately delete the message.

If you have any questions, you can contact our Customer Service.

What is a "phishing" e-mail?
The purpose of phishing emails is to steal your identity and / or infect your computer with a virus. In these messages, you are asked for personal data, often inviting you to click on a link and directing you to websites or telephone numbers, where you are asked to provide your personal data. Often the link hides an attempt to infect your computer with a virus, after which your personal data will be immediately used for illegal purposes via Java and Adobe Flash.