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Islamorada - Longfill 20+40mL export


(€16.01 1)

VAT included

Tabac, papaye, vanille

mL: 20

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Islamorada LongFill 20+40

Coquetry: that's the watchword... a tobacco base in which the presence of tropical taste emphasizes its aromatic perception. Don't expect anything trivial. Finding balance was not easy.

Main aromas: Tabac, papaye, vanille


Data sheet

Type of taste
Tobacco flavour
Bottle material
PET original Chubby Gorilla black cap transparent black bottle
Bottle content mL
ml integration for ready-to-vape liquid
Bottle capacity in mL
Recommended hardware
Head atomizers, regenerable atomizers, clearomizers and cartomizers, pods, drippers
Subject to Italian consumption tax
Product type
Triple concentration aroma
Available in Italy