Gold Tobac - Longfill 20mL bottle 60mL

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Gold Tobac - Longfill 20+40mL

VAT included
(incl. imposta consumo: 2,47 €)

Tobacco Virginia, honey

mg/mL nicotine level: 0 mg/mL
mL: 20


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Gold Tobac LongFill 20+40

Gold Tobac is a blond tabaccoso, the blond par excellence.

Virginia tobacco, with its sun-dried leaves, has an intense and penetrating taste, but also distinctly sweet, aromatic and fragrant. Its sweet sugary notes are unique and unmistakable. Impossible not to fall in love.

Main aromas: Tobacco Virginia, honey


Data sheet

Type of taste
Tobacco flavour
Bottle material
PET original Chubby Gorilla black cap transparent black bottle
Bottle content mL
ml integration for ready-to-vape liquid
Bottle capacity in mL
Recommended hardware
Head atomizers, regenerable atomizers, clearomizers and cartomizers, pods, drippers
Imposta senza nicotina su mL:
Product type
Triple concentration aroma
Available in Italy

Specific References


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Presente al mio fianco da 4 anni ormai, il migliore di sempre

  • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.
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    Buongiorno, vorrei sapere se il Gold Tobaco (vedi link) è pronto all’uso e contiene nicotina 6 mg?

    Il prodotto da lei indicato è un aroma scomposto 20+40, pertanto deve essere diluito con 40ml di base con o senza nicotina. Questa referenza è disponibile anche in formato liquido pronto 10 ml con nicotina 4-8-12-16 mg/ml (clicca qui per visualizzare il prodotto)

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