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Burley - SOLO 20+40mL export

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Coil friendly orginic tobacco flavour extracted from Burley

mL: 20


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Together with Virginia it is the other main player in structured blends for cigarettes. Linked to the history of the migration of the pioneers of the Far West who began to grow tobacco outside the traditional lands of the East Coast.

Legend has it that it was cultivated for the first time by mistake, from Kentucky seeds, on the banks of the Ohio in 1864 and that the grower, convinced that the seeds purchased in Kentucky led to this cultivar, was disappointed by the thin seedlings and the first time he destroyed it and only the following year did he complete the harvest. Harvest that resulted in a structured leaf with a rich and complete aroma.

Burley is a fragrant tobacco, with a taste that, thanks to its neutrality, makes it suitable for balancing blends, giving them strength and being combined with the most diverse flavourings. In the history of vaping, Burley was one of the first tobaccos to be used, thanks also to its varieties which make it a diversified product to be discovered in its nuances, the appreciation of this aroma has always been at the highest levels precisely by virtue of the its flexibility to mixing and its high level aromaticity.

The Burley used in this extract is of the light air cured type whose classification is regulated in Europe by the EXPLANATORY NOTES OF THE COMBINED NOMENCLATURE OF THE EUROPEAN UNION (2015/C 076/01) of 4/03/2015:

“light air cured” tobaccos of the Burley type, including Burley hybrids, tobaccos which have been dried with hot air under natural atmospheric conditions and which do not emit the odor of smoke when subjected to heat or more air; the leaves have a color that varies from light brown to reddish. Other colors and color combinations often result from different degrees of maturity or from cultivation or drying techniques."


Organic tobacco aromas coil friendly and uncompromising: their organoleptic characteristics are comparable to traditional extracts.

The aroma is produced starting from the best tobacco leaves through specific extraction and purification techniques engineered in the Blendfeel Lab. Theese flavors can be used permanently in pods and in the most advanced regeneratable systems.

SOLO 20+40 are concentrated flavours without nicotine. 60 ml bottles contain 20 ml of aroma. Add 40 mL neutral base or nicotine base to get a 60 ml ready-to-use product. Do not use pure. If you have any doubts about the composition do not hesitate to contact us!


Data sheet

Type of taste
Single-leaf organic flavour
Bottle material
PET original Chubby Gorilla black cap transparent black bottle
Bottle content mL
ml integration for ready-to-vape liquid
Bottle capacity in mL
Recommended hardware
Head atomizers, regenerable atomizers, clearomizers and cartomizers, pods, drippers
Subject to Italian consumption tax
Tipo di estratto
High performance extraction
Product type
Triple concentration aroma
Available in Italy

Specific References
