El Real - SOLO 20+40mL

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Coil friendly orginic tobacco flavours extracted from Cuban Piloto, Habanos, brazilian Mata Fina leaves

Inspired by the Cuban cigar, the top notes are enveloping, straw-like and sweetish. The finish is slightly fermented

mL: 20

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El Real is inspired by a cigar par excellence: the Cuban cigar. It is extracted from the best leaves of Cuban Piloto, Habanos and Brazilian Mata Fina. The top notes are enveloping, straw-like and sweetish. At the end is perceived a slightly fermented aftertaste.

A Private Reserve not to be missed.


Organic tobacco aromas coil friendly and uncompromising: their organoleptic characteristics are comparable to traditional extracts.

The aroma is produced starting from the best tobacco leaves through specific extraction and purification techniques engineered in the Blendfeel Lab. Theese flavors can be used permanently in pods and in the most advanced regeneratable systems.

SOLO 20+40 are pre-mixed e-cigarette liquids without nicotine. 60 ml bottles contain 20 ml of aroma. Add neutral base or nicotine base to get a 60 ml ready-to-use product. The bottles contain concentrated aroma not usable pure. If you have any doubts about the composition do not hesitate to contact us!


Data sheet

Aroma type
Single-leaf organic flavour
Bottle material
PET original Chubby Gorilla black cap transparent black bottle
Bottle content mL
ml integration for ready-to-vape liquid
Bottle capacity in mL
Recommended hardware
Head atomizers, regenerable atomizers, clearomizers and cartomizers, pods, drippers
Tipo di estratto
High performance extraction
Product type
Triple concentration aroma

Specific References


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